Moving out of your old home and into a new home is difficult for anyone, but especially for cats. First of all, you can't explain what is happening to your cat and most cats already have high-stress levels from situations that they do not feel they are in control of. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to help make your cat comfortable during this transition. Here are three tips to consider when moving with a cat:

Isolate a Room: 

The day before the movers arrive, it's a good idea to empty out one room in the home completely. You can pack everything in this room and move the boxes and furniture near the front entrance of the home to be easily packed onto the moving truck the next day. When you do this, you can isolate your cat in this empty room the next day when the movers arrive. Be sure to leave food and water in there along with a litter box. This way, your cat is as comfortable as possible and can be away from the loud noises and stresses of packing. This is especially important to consider if your cat is an indoor cat since many people will be coming in and out of the house. You don't want to deal with having to chase your cat through the neighborhood while you are trying to get your move done quickly. 

Consider a Pet Kennel: 

Instead of isolating a room for your cat, you could consider bringing your cat to a pet kennel. This way, you can get all the moving done without your cat needing any of your attention. Plus, this isolates your cat completely from the stresses of moving day. However, this is only something to consider if your cat has been to a pet kennel before. Otherwise, this may bring on additional stress for your cat. 

Make the Car Comfortable:

Once you are ready to leave your old home and move into the new home, you will want to ensure that the car is comfortable for your cat. To do this, you want to use a small pet carrier. Cats are more comfortable in small, confined spaces while traveling in the vehicle because it gives them a better sense of control. Be sure that you bring along food and water for your cat if you are traveling a farther distance. If you are traveling for more than an hour or so, also bring a small litter box for your cat to use when you take a bathroom break. This helps you avoid messes in the car, as well.

When you consider these three tips when moving with a cat, you can make the transition for them as comfortable as possible. Be sure to let your movers know that you have a cat so that they know what rooms to avoid if you have decided to keep your cat in the house while packing up. For more information, contact a moving company, like A Best Movers Inc.
