Moving can be an exciting time for everyone involved, but for kids, the excitement may be mixed with some stress and separation anxiety due to leaving familiar surroundings and cherished friends. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your move to a new neighborhood less stressful on your children – consider implementing the following techniques:

Get Them Involved

Getting the kids involved with the actual moving process is an excellent way to make them feel like they have some control over all the changes your household is going through. Let your children decorate your moving boxes with crayons or markers before you start packing, and ask them to pack their favorite belongings into special boxes that will stay with them until settling into your new home. If you plan to hold a garage sale to get rid of stuff that is no longer needed, have the kids help and allow them to keep a small percentage of the profits to spend when shopping in their new neighborhood. The idea is to find ways that your kids can have fun while participating in some of the logistics of the move so they feel empowered and excited about the process.

Visit the New Hood Early

By taking the time to visit your new neighborhood before the actual move, your children will have a chance to get to know the surroundings so it's easier for them to acclimate when you're settling in. Spend some time at their new school during lunch so they can get to know the other students and teachers. Have a family picnic in the park to meet families in the neighborhood. Take a stroll around the block of your new house to gain insight into people, pets, and kids that you'll likely run into after you move in. The more your kids know about their new neighborhood, the easier it should be for them to feel comfortable and safe in their new surroundings.

Host a Move-In Event

Instead of having a going away party so the kids can say goodbye to their friends, consider hosting a move-in party shortly after settling in to your new home so their friends can help them settle in. Let the kids invite a couple of friends each to spend the weekend with you after your move. The kids can decorate their new rooms with the help of their friends and spend time getting to know the neighborhood while familiar faces are nearby. Celebrating like this should help remind the kids that your move doesn't mean the end of their relationships with friends from the old neighborhood. They can hold onto many aspects of their old life while enjoying all the new aspects that have been introduced.

These tips and tricks should help take some of the pressure off your little ones and make moving a more positive experience overall. For more moving tips, go to sites of local moving companies for advice.
