Movies and television shows are great in their own way, but games put you in control of the story. Being in the driver's seat of a linear story or exploring a massive open world is an experience unlike any other. It makes complete sense as to why so much memorabilia for these games gets created and sold. You might have an ongoing collection that you intend on displaying in the home you buy in the future. To keep it growing and to protect your items until you are a homeowner, you should put everything into a storage facility.

Get Freestanding Shelves

One of the easiest ways to put your items safely into storage is to get freestanding shelves. You can line these along the walls to avoid having them in areas where they are susceptible to getting knocked into. Storing unopened memorabilia or items that have been placed into a display box is ideal. This will prevent dust and pests from being able to reach anything and cause damage over a long period of time.

Invest in a Display Case or Two

Display boxes work, but you can also get display cases that provide protection to everything inside. This is best used for fragile things such as glass figurines that you can buy or get custom-made. These cases are designed in a way to prevent them from opening up without effort involved. The key is to put the display cases in an area where it is nearly impossible for them to topple over. Whether you get freestanding display cases or ones that go on tables is up to you; just pick the sturdiest option possible. 

Use Plastic Bins Over Cardboard Boxes

If you have lots of items that are not delicate in any way, you should purchase some plastic bins. Stacking collector's editions of games or stuffed animals will not put your items at risk. It is crucial to put the sturdiest game boxes on the bottom, such as those made of wood or metal before putting in paper boxes.

Make Climate Control a Necessity

While you may have some plastic memorabilia that should not be affected much by heat, cold, or humidity, you are bound to have some things that are susceptible to these conditions. Artwork is one thing that you do not want to take any risks with because it is far too easy for damage to end up happening.

Taking your time when storing your gaming memorabilia will ensure it all lasts a very long time.
